Stéphane Mallarmé

un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (1896)

a dice throw at any time never will abolish chance

The 'coup' of dice

_______of thought

propelling / casting / propulsion /


as space

___________as time

_______in between thought

the____in between thoughts

___________un roll a phrase

____________unroll possibilities of phrase

use ________________________________what is provided

____________here it is___________



___________'the [Page] being taken as the basic unit in the way that the verse or perfect line is taken in other works__________________other works

__________________other workings

between page _________ gutter _________ page

__________________gutter ___________ stars

1) position your fingers in between French and English translations in the same book and flick between - a linguistic movement

propulsion / on page / rolling over page

_______________________off page

off page to ______________

it is a line

__________even if a circle

it is too strong and short un coup not to push

____________________________forward and round

1969 Broodthaers replaces text with black strips
- if you cannot get hold of this version 2) blur your eyes or DIY

and what is these shapings this shape
what is it without its text

what is 'what is it without'
what is 'what is it with'
what is 'with'

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